The Joy of Journaling
I first began journaling when I just a teenager. Over time my journals began to focus on topics such as gardening, my small wine collection, travel, and bits of wisdom collected from diverse experiences and a life focused on education and discovery. It takes a bit of discipline but I have found it to be one of the most rewarding efforts in my life. Imagine being able to look back andreconnect with the exact emotions you were feeling the morning of your wedding, or the day you lost a parent, or your first love, or the birth of your child. These events shape us and there is often a clarity of purpose and meaning in these moments that can be obscured by the day to day trails and stresses of life. I encourage you to give this gift to yourself, your present voice speaking to your future self. You are certain to fine it adds to the depth and richness of your life.
Here are a few pages from a journal I began in 1988 while living in New York City and studying the history of fashion at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It quickly transformed itself into my garden journal when I moved to Richmond, Virginia and began to cultivate my first garden in a decade. It has been a place to record lessons learned, inspirations, sketches of ideas, and photos of some of my brighter moment as a gardener. I hope it inspires you to do your own garden journal. Gary Inman